
good friday

(not to be mistaken with the holiday that was yesterday) 

one day this text exchange occurred 

and two days later we were doing it! boston decided to have one week during march that actually felt like late spring or early summer. since grace is my 70 degree weather friend we decided kayaking on the charles river would be an appropriate activity. we are happy this guy came over to explain to us in detail how the kayak should be blown up. i might have appreciated his shoes more than his advice though. and look at grace's baby belly! i love it so much and am sad she will no longer be pregnant soon.
(but happy that she will have a baby instead! of course.)

contrary to random guy's doubt in our abilities, we blew that thing right up!

 and got in without even sinking! 

it was so warm and the only way it could have been better was if i remembered my phone had speakers (for music listening purposes)

 right after that last picture was taken i realized the golden opportunity we had to take a picture with this rowing crew

it really was such a perfect activity to get some sun slash arm workout slash grace time! soon grace is going to be a mama and then shortly after will move back to new york so i always look forward to and feel grateful for the times when we get to be together. couldn't ask for a better high school/roommate/boston friend.

and as a side note i really appreciate her wearing a swimsuit and sitting in the back so that i could wear normal clothes and not get wet. i really didn't think i would need a bathing suit in march so i was a little under-prepared. afterwards we went back to my house and ate that nice hotel pastry that MIT friend brought me that i told you all about in a previous post and it was a delicious way to end a perfect afternoon.

at the time i really couldn't see how the day could get any better but then i remembered i was going to les mis that night! 

my friend here read the book a few months ago and was so pumped to see the musical that he bought tickets back in november haha. he was very nice to let me accompany him and even took me to this fancy restaurant inside of the parker house hotel beforehand. a little fun fact for you might be that this restaurant is the birthplace of boston cream pie! right after taking that picture (in the middle) it was gone in five seconds because it was so delicious.

guys. GUYS. everything about this was awesome. not only is the boston opera house one of the most beautiful buildings i've ever been in but the play itself was outstanding. i've never really gotten into les mis and the only thing i knew about it was that "on my own" song that everyone loved (you know, the one lauren daw sang in the seminary talent show). so i'm happy to say i finally understand the hype and if anyone has the chance to check out this cast they should because everyone was SO GOOD. my jaw dropped within the first few moments of the show and it just got better and better and accidental fist pumps kept happening because i couldn't contain my love for what was happening. I really don't know if i've ever been more impressed with a musical production than i was that night and i'm glad i can now love les miserables like everyone else! 


Christine Frandsen said...

I want to be out in the sun on that kayak with both of you. Grace's belly is perfect in that striped tank.

And les mis? Paul is still singing that song, do maybe we'll have to drive up and see it for ourselves!

Unknown said...

both of these events look so fun! i love you + boston!

brynne frei said...

you are living the high life sista. wish i could be part of the 70 degree club friendship every day! (pretty sure i said that on the other post but it still is true).

Jeri said...

Megan, so fun to follow your days in Boston. Looks like you are having a blast - and that is great! Love ya sa much!