
walk to work with me.

i live approximately 1.3 miles away from harvard square which is where i get on the subway to go to work. sometimes i take the bus there but it is unreliable (and at times not much faster) so i usually prefer to just walk. 

i take so many pictures all the time yet forget to document some of the everyday things so for weeks i promised myself i would take pictures of my walk and i finally (in october) did it! it is something i really enjoy, i'm lucky to live in such a beautiful place. so with that being said, this is mainly for my own memory but feel free to virtually walk with me for a minute!

..and that my friends, is my walk to work.
 the end. 


Kalie DeMann said...

i think there is a really good chance that i need to come live with you and to walk you to work daily.

Christine Frandsen said...

i feel happy to have walked that walk. but gosh the sun was workin' it that day.

brynne frei said...

thanks! i loved that walk today.

a. dancepants said...

This is my favorite post you have ever done. EVER.