

..as a bee.

a little efy bee that is. 

(photo in honor of this one
i have been there for the last 16  days (with about 24 hours off in between) and might i say it has been crazy but so nice to be too busy to think of myself, sleeping, eating, or even creeping. it's like a mini mission and it feels great.

 in a second i will be driving to the airport to go to this place 
(photo courtesy of my 2007 fb album "seattle and such")

i should be packing but i hate it so this seemed like a nice way to procrastinate before i absolutely have to. 

anyways. i haven't taken a ton of pictures (well, for me at least) so here are just a few of the highlights. 

highlight 1. cleaning out big bertha with my dad so that times like this could happen. just transporting all my girls to the cannon center. they loved it. and so did bertha. and yes, there are no seats. i thought it would be better that way.
highlight 2. i got to be the dj at the dance last friday and i have never felt more pleased with myself. the only way it would have been better is if efy would approve me some justin bieber and a little more taylor swift. 
highlight 3. saturday melissa marsh and i went with ashlie to her friend's cabin in pc. melissa and i took a lovely walk and self-timed some photos in random peoples yards.  ..anything for a good time.
highlight 4. i got to see my girl ashlie who came back from texas for a wedding. luckily, one night she stopped by and brought her friend who just so happened to sing the efy 2010 theme song. this would be him, and my roommate definitely told me after he left, "wow i don't think i have ever met a celebrity before! that was so cool!" hahah. wow.
oh, and i cant forget how we finally creeped my asian neighbors yard to see what all the clanking is about. you cant really tell and we still dont know for sure but we felt good about doing it. 
highlight 5. byu just kept forgetting to schedule rooms with enough seats so we got to go down to the cougar room at the stadium for a morning side. you cant even tell what it looks like in this picture but i was sick of pictures with just me in them. we had to be real careful as to not ruin this room that people sit in before the game who pay 100,000 for their seats each year. it was a once in a lifetime opportunity because i would never in my life pay that much to see a football game.
highlight 6. being a bc has its perks. for example, you cannot tell in this picture but i am driving on brigham square on byu campus. getting to drive their vehicles basically allows you to do whatever you want..so i do.
highlight 7. coming across this little man made by some participant. 
it looks like they weren't too interested in what we were doing at the time. 

anyways. my ten minutes are up. many other nice times happened but this will do. just thought i'd give a little update because i haven't really talked to anyone in weeks. if you asked me four months ago what i thought i would be doing right now it would not be anything like how things have turned out..but it's good. life, is good.


Unknown said...

you are a busy little bee!! oh how i love efy, so many memories. i wish i had you as a counselor :):):)

a. dancepants said...

so glad that I read this. especially glad that I came to visit you so many times.

Becky said...

Just look at you go Meg...you are my favorite creeper! You could have just asked Kev and the boys what was in the neighbors back yard...they go there on a regular basis to get the balls they hit over the fence. Enjoyed our bonding on the way to the airport sis. Love ya!

kelli said...

You're like, practically famous!!! Amazing. Tell me you got that man's autograph.
Can I just say.. I love you. Love your blogs, love your face! You are an amazing girl and you fill my heart with happiness and joy. See you soon.

a. dancepants said...

that was the best EFY visit ever. That was also the time that boy tried to cuddle with me and it was super AWKWARD. also, where is that video?

brynne frei said...

busy as an efy bee hahahahaaa