
why is this post even happening

i put these pictures in a post that has sat in my draft folder for a good month now. don't really remember what the significance of all of them is so i'll just pretend to know.

right: sometimes everyone needs to get on the bus at the same time so even though i make it to the bus stop in time for the bus i want to get on, the bus skips our stop because it is too full. i could feel sad/mad about this or i could just sit down and enjoy some ultimate cheddar munchies (that john drove miles and miles to get for me the sweet thing) while waiting for the next one. i chose the latter.
left: i am in charge of a monthly bbq at work to boost employee morale. I really liked coming into work and finding so many responses to my email!

over the last month or two i have eaten so much pad thai here it is ridiculous

my roommates and i went for some thai food and then had a really nice walk afterwards in a post celebration of my birthday. have i mentioned how much i like those gals? i feel very lucky to live with such good people who i genuinely like and don't even secretly hate! 

i had to go pick up some outdoor games for the bbq in the company vehicle. first time i drove in massachusetts! i was scared out of my mind..the roads here are so stressful to me. 

harvard put out fun and colorful chairs! this means spring really is here. 
i got a square pretzel stuck in the roof of my mouth. that was not pleasant. 
bbq was a huge success and so was the ice cream bar! 

i got the best torn up surprise all the way from taiwan! sister tong sent me a t-shirt of some of her drawings that i always loved. it is a teeeeny bit big for me but i'll sport it one day and take a picture of it for you to see. 

we went to support our friend matt in a musical he was in at a community theater. my two favorite parts were definitely the cake they had for everyone to enjoy and the real classy portraits that were drawn by one of the cast members. her self portrait is in the top right corner, which is the only one that doesn't look retarded. fancy that haha. oh wait, and my third favorite part was the other people in the audience. such a classy production!

one thing we are all grateful for is the one texas roadhouse in boston and friends to go there with

here is something you should know. sometimes when i hang out with john i feel like i'm with my dad. he just loves his tools and being handy and fixing everything. we like this about him. 

to close i would like to say that boston loves raining. and that this post takes the cake for being weirdest and most lame of all the posts i've done and it is taking a lot of self control not to just delete it. 

the end.


Christine Frandsen said...

I am so glad that you didn't delete this! Will John fix my car? Will you take me to A@TimE (that name is weird but I can't wait!)? I forgot how much you love those Cheddar Munchie things - high school flashback moment.

I commented in backwards order and that is ok.

brynne frei said...

yeah thanks for not deleting and you really have eaten so much pad thai there. and i commented in backwards order tooooo! why aren't the three of us in the same state/same coast.