
every title i can think of for this brooklyn post is stupid.

the sunday of new canaan weekend was just going to be spent driving back to boston so instead i drove back to new york with john!

his work gives him a ridiculous amount of money each weekend for traveling expenses so we had this nice car service man pick us up. my favorite part of our time with him was when i offered him a pop-tart and he really took it! i thought for sure he would have said no but it made me so happy he didn't. 

i don't know whose genius idea it was to arrive in brooklyn at 8:30 in the morning (john's) but we sure did. he thought we could get into his hotel room early but they were definitely still full so we just sat in a chair in the lobby and ate sandwiches i had made for lunch because we were starving. i think that combined with my snowflake blanket made john a little embarrassed but i assured him his marriott friends wouldn't even recognize him if he just closed his eyes every time they walked by.

after that fun time we walked down to grace and dave's house (bnotd = they live five blocks away from where john stays!) and went to church with them and baby alta. the walk was so painfully hot/humid but we were sure happy to see the poulsen's again!

old yellow house friends nate and annelisa are in their ward so we got to see them too! we also saw a mormon blogger celeb who i don't particularly love - but grace told her i did - and that was awkward. 

maybe we only got a few hours of sleep in new canaan and we were dying during sacrament so we pulled the weareonvacationkindof justification and went to take a nap. upon arrival i saw this little treasure, who knew you can find a book of mormon in ever single room at every single marriott? i actually think i might have known that at one time but definitely forgot about it so it was a fun surprise.

we went back to grace and dave's house for lunch and brooklyn has turned her into a healthy little cooker!  i miss them living in boston and being so close so getting to spend time with them this day was such a treat. 

we then went on a little stroll around the streets and john let me bring my camera
(which is always kind considering when i have it i forget to interact with others around me and just go into picture mode -  way annoying i'm sure)

it was fun to see the other side of the city and the most random pool placement ever

best place for a table and chairs

i really enjoyed the photography projects that lined the sidewalk 

i wanted to be a part of this wedding so badly


i think it is safe to say that i really like brooklyn. i liked how it was more quiet than the other parts of the city i've seen and it just seemed so quaint and nice. i was loving our walk but sadly it got cut short because we needed to head back to their house so they could take me to the airport.

but theeeen my flight was cancelled because a crazy rainstorm was going to hit! which it did, as you can see above. 

so then we got in some extra bonus time with the poulsen's and with nate and annelisa. 
(and i feel like i should say we had just come in from the rain in the picture above, that is definitely not sweat haha)

annelisa made some bomb butternut squash lasagna which we ate as we watched a little of the olympics and had nice conversations. then we said goodbye to our friends and went to bed early (not together - separately) and i thoroughly enjoyed being in a place with central air and waking up because it was time to get up rather than because i was sweating to death. 

and so bright and early i headed to the business men shuttle to catch a 6 am flight to boston and by 7:45 i was at work (thanks to natalie for being a champ and picking me up from the airport!) and ready to head our monthly staff meeting.
(and yes of course i just wore the same clothes i wore all day sunday because i had sent everything home with natalie the day before thinking i wouldn't need any haha)

in conclusion i say yes to having a random day trip to brooklyn and yes to john's firm for funding it! 
(i'm glad there is at least one perk to having Deloitte decide to work him in a different state for six months)


brynne frei said...

i want to go to brooklyn and have nice times with the poulsens and john and meg!! what a nice nice weekend.

brynne frei said...
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Becky said...

Look at you just bein such the traveler! Love you sister xoxo

a. dancepants said...

Tell Brynne I'm coming too.

Christine Frandsen said...

i like "hey oh hey lets have a brooklyn day" ... those URLs give away all your title secrets