
and then we were like yeah, let's not go home. let's go to provincetown.

so five of the girls from the nantucket trip went back to boston that night while three of us drove to the tip of cape cod with the idea of camping for the night. 
we got in kind of late which was a bummer but the grapenut ice cream (almost as good as toscanini's!) and sickest/best greeting card in the world made up for it. 

i just want you to know that the table in the ice cream picture is foreshadowing what is up next. 

we were pretty tired and didn't really feel like leaving provincetown to set up a tent somewhere so we made a game time decision to just sleep in mel's suv for the night. 

..in a motel parking lot hahah

and then like real classy citizens we went to this gas station to get ready for bed and then used their bathroom to get ready the next morning too. thanks tedeschi food shops!

now. to tell you a little about provincetown i will read you a line from the town's wiki page 
"The 2010 US Census revealed Provincetown to have the highest rate of same-sex couples in the country, at 163.1 per 1000 couples" 

i am here to tell you that this statistic is real and i've never seen anything like it. take this "small temptations" antique store for example. below would be nothing but nudey gay drawings and this is only a small sampling of what the store had to offer hahah. it was crazy and maybe i shouldn't have taken a picture of it but i needed you to believe me that it existed. 

what also existed was this signed photo by regis and kathi lee for only 12 dollars!!! i'm still kicking myself for not snagging that treasure.

he was buying a small mermaid figurine for his boyf. cutes. 

pretty cape cod!

(i have a picture of a bunch of burly men peaking into the animal lover's boutique if you are interested in a private showing) 

pride for days 

i'd like to give a shout out for the newly laid asphalt in the main part of town. it was so bouncy and nice it made me feel like we were in disneyland. 


 same ocean, same girls, different beach

and then since we never really used the bikes we brought with us we went for a bike ride to the boston public gardens after we got back to the city. everything was in full bloom and other than the moments spent mourning the decision to not bring my nice camera, i was in heaven.  


brynne frei said...

the foreshadowing with the ice cream hahahaa looks like a great spontaneous trip! sleeping in a car usually sounds sad but you made it sound fun!

Christine Frandsen said...

you know how much i like hoggies. i want that postcard the most. also, second to last picture - Beauty tree and happiest you.

a. dancepants said...

THAT POSTCARD. I somehow imagine it parallels the (unshown) picture of burly men looking inside the animal lovers shop. Without the kissing.

brynne frei said...

"and then i was like - nah. i don't think i'll hang with RQDQ tonight because i need to get bizzy updating my blog!"