
baking time!

here is the thing.
maybe it is because i'm not married yet but i have not hit the "i love pastries!!!" phase in my life. i appreciate all of you that have though and for that reason i thought i would dedicate a post to my sister's cakes that she has made recently.  she was showing me some of them this morning and she is not much of a blogger so i thought i would do it for her. this is only a few and the pictures do not do these sweet little cakes justice. ..but i thought at least you, emma westwood, would appreciate it.  
the "barbies are fun!" cake
the "we finally got a boy after four girls and we are obsessed with him" cake

the "i'm a lady!" cake

the "it looks like it says "homey" but it would actually be "honey" cake

the "i looked way better in real life but still worth noting" cake
the "why did i never think to use those gross little cookie/cracker things to make a fence?" cake
 the "i just want to eat you right now and not share with anyone" cake
and we can't forget the "i have way too much time on my hands so i just HAD to make this harry potter themed cake" ..cake. this one actually happened a few days ago and i'm sad i missed it.

well there it is.
she has a bunch more but we don't know where the pictures are. if we find them i will update and post them. i hope all this craftyness that my sisters all possess will enter my body at some point. until then i will just appreciate it and live vicariously through them.


Becky Beck said...

It's about time! Love those cakes! Natalie you are the cake queen.

Unknown said...

yessssssss! i started reading this post and knew it was for me. AND THEN YOU MENTIONED ME! love you so much. these cakes are amazing.

Trisha said...

WOW!!! These are some AWESOME cakes!!!

Kelly Jean said...

Seriously?! Love 'em.