

this weekend was so lovely so i thought i would tell you all about it. 
friday night we went to logan so ryan and nik could play for usu's homecoming dance. i can't remember ever going to logan so it was a nice time (except for the part where it was really dark and i didn't actually see anything except the student center) and i was so glad richard came to keep me company!
 after they played we went and witnessed the whole becoming a true aggie business. i'm still confused at how it all works and if just kissing at 12 makes you one? or getting in front of everyone and kissing on that A thing is what makes you one?.. so i'm not really sure where we stand with it, it all just seemed too easy. we might be true aggies.. or we might not be, i still have no idea. 
either way it was pretty entertaining and everyone loved it when this guy asked that girl to marry him! this is all i got of it, i didn't get my camera out fast enough to get him down on one knee though.

the next morning we woke up rather late and we didn't even feel bad about it! usually i go into work at 5 and ryan goes in at 8 on saturdays so it was nice to have a break. 

since we were in salt lake we decided to take advantage of this great deal at snowbird.

so after getting ready and before heading up, we ate at yamasaki and i was so pleased with it. before my mission i didn't really love asian food and now i just can't get enough of it! gosh i want to go back right. now.  

the drive up little cottonwood canyon was so gorgeous! and the weather was perfect.

the tram was such a nice ride up and as we got off we unloaded into a white abyss. i don't really know if abyss is the right word but i can't think of a different one. 

 first snow fall! yessssss 
(let's all remember that i haven't really seen snow in two years so it was double exciting)

 (ryan and his best boy friends)
 by the time we came back down it was snow/raining in the valley as well so we drank (cinnamon) hot chocolate and listened to our pal (and by our pal i mean ryan's pal) david's christmas cd. 
i can't imagine a better way to have spent an afternoon! it also made me extremely anxious for christmas time.
it was perfect. 

to continue the great day, my family had a halloween party that can be seen on my sister's blog

aaaaand if you are wondering what we are doing tonight (i know you aren't but just in case), we are going to
go see this girl. 
 and see? she wears glasses and is excited for christmas too. 
it is going to be a good night.


brynne frei said...

such nice photos! i hope ingrid was so good to you. you'll need to update me via phone call or gchat (preferably in person but i won't get my hopes up that high). really - that pic with the clouds up and snowbird = magical. love to lvoe you gf.

Christine Frandsen said...

The canyon looks so nice, I really miss those mountains.
I hope Ingrid was fun, I'm betting it was :)

Becky said...

Megan, this was a lovely post, almost as lovely as you are in your glasses :). You are very cute in those specs and so is Ry! I wish I liked sushi--just can't do it.

Richard J. said...

I can't believe I made it into the blog. I feel so famous.

Kelly Jean said...

Oh my. What a fabulous life you live. And CHRISTMAS! Ahhh!!! I don't think I've ever been more excited for it.

brynne frei said...

those canyon pictures are so pretty!!!!!