
story of sadness.

once upon a time i got adenoviral keratitis 
(hopefully you didn't actually click on that..but i couldn't help myself with halloween around the corner)

so i've looked like the picture below for a good 3-4 months.

then, finally, last thursday my eye specialist told me it cleared up and i could start wearing contacts again! it was a very exciting time, and just in time for the mission reunion
(just some sisters with president. we're obsessed with him, if you couldn't already tell by the glee on our faces)

see? no glasses. 
(for 2-6 hours a day that is..)

but then. 
it. came. back. 
yep.  i definitely have his shirt wrapped around my face to ease the pain of sunlight burning my retina. 

soooo i'm back to glasses and will check back in 4 weeks to see if there are any improvements. 
kind of sad. ok. really sad. i liked having a face for a second. 

but me and contacts had a good few days.

such as, i wore them to work on the day that we finally moderated all of the mormon.org profiles! 
(you know, those things they asked you to make in conference- i make sure you aren't blasphemous or inappropriate before they go on the website)

i also wore them on our walk around downtown provo and our visit to the free zoo pet store!
(ps kind ryan started wearing his glasses to make me feel better)

and also to a little mongolian get together. 
(ok so i'm behind the camera and not in front of it, but it was worth mentioning)

so contacts. i guess we had a good run. 
maybe we can be friends again soon? 
sorry you hate me. 


Becky said...

Megan--never fear, you look beautiful in your glasses...and so does Ryan, such a good boyfriend he is to loan you his shirt and show his eye glass support. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics you did--thank you from the bottom of my heart. I should come to Provo and buy you Zupas or something :)

Kalie DeMann said...

girlfriend. I feel your pain. I myself have had stupid problems with my stupid eyes and I had to wear nothing but glasses for months. too bad I don't look nearly as adorable as you in glasses. can we go on a double date yet? Ry promised.

Nicole Erin said...

ADD me to the people are nice list!!! i can't believe this. just so you know i think you look bangin with or without (and that's not just pitty. cuz i usually give it hahaha) ps TOTALLY clicked on that link. you're gross. happy halloween?

Unknown said...


ummmmm i couldn't wear contacts anymore and guess what my solution was...LASIK. best decision ever. save up gf.

Kelly Jean said...

Look how beautiful you are. And look how cute you & Ryan are together. (Are you looking?)

brynne frei said...

i love your pics. really - they're full of personality and no one takes them quite like you do. way to go gf!

Michelle Montgomery said...

somehow the girl sitting on the fence totally works for you.

You are darling, and I love your insights on life. And at least you still look gorgeous in glasses...I'm not as fortunate.