
brynne's birthday is not on "frei"day but on this day!!@$%

it is brynnie's big day! 2-4! 
in honor of the birthday girl i thought it would be appropriate to look back on the years of our friendship and see all the nice things this birthday girl and i have done together. 
(keep in mind even though this will be long, it doesn't even do our friendship justice)

and in no particular order..

loved the (plural) brian regan concerts


we've been to so many lacrosse games!
(okay like four)

matching korean phone charms!

so much 05 pride

hit efy so hard

sister missionaries 
(jk i wish)

spent a few valentines days
(or maybe just one?)

 learned how to be adults when her parents left for three years and buy real groceries

(i wish it was more than just one) free slurpee day!

played in the snow

go on dates with ourselves when boyfriends don't actually come back from lake powell like they said they would

kept me company after wisdom teeth were pulled

free institute lunches and so much uv volunteering!


attended farewells

uvu students grads

color fest-ed

thrilled to finally ride the uv elevator

wondered if we would ever get married
(luckily we no longer have to wonder for ms. b)

she was there every step of my mission fest

jumped in st. george at the kite festival!


turned 16..i mean 21


creeped some more

did NOT buy beer

so much vespa

we said goodbye 

4 months later we reunited

we said goodbye again
(for taiwan)

18 months later we reunited..again

b was so nice and tried teaching me how to not dress like a sister missionary

so many car rides

attending family activities

being in the past and the future

thursday wilk dates

exercising one time

tending babies

so many dance parties


photo shoots

and then..

we said goodbye again.

but a different kind.

and tanner still lets us be friends sometimes so it isn't as sad as the other two
(and if someone is going to steal her away i'm glad it is tan)

i feel like i could just keep going and going but i just realized i've been at this for maybe 2 hours.
so b.
what i'm trying to say is

..please have a nice birthday okay?

i love you lots. 

you are, and will always be, my best geef.

happy. happy. birthday.


Annie said...

I love this.

brynne frei said...

Nicest geef! Even though predicictive text wanted to change geef to Greg haha. Thanks so much, Meg! I loved this so much I read it twice and the playing in the snow made me LOL 4 realz. Love you, gf!! Thanks for helping make my birthday a happy one!

Kelly Jean said...

By the end of this, you two start lookin' alike :) Winning duo, that's for sure :) What a sweet tribute!

Unknown said...


Alexandra said...

happy birthday brynne!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jed said...

Has anyone ever had a better friend? Seriously, this is like better than my wedding video. (Please don't pass that on.) If anyone deserves it, though, it's my sis.

a. dancepants said...

i love brynne! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

brynne frei said...

okay but for reals, this is the niiiicest post ever! i had real LOLs again. especially "played in the snow". so so glad we are best geefs always and forever. love you lots!