
and then i went to utah. my cabin!

it was our cabin weekend while i was in utah but no one ended up going up and i was SO bummed. i had a list of things i wanted to do while in utah and having some quality time in/with the mountains was a high priority. my dad could tell how upset i was so he offered to take me up to the cabin for the day and i could do whatever i wanted while he and his brothers worked on some things. 

i don't know if my dad had any idea just how badly i needed that time but i'm so grateful for it and his desire to make his daughter happy. i walked up past our cabin to a spot that overlooked all of midway and could feel, as cheesy as this sounds, my soul being rejuvenated. nature just does something for me that nothing else can and being in those mountains for a few short hours made all the difference. being there made me SO happy and i was so content. not only were the mountains much more beautiful than i ever remember them being (i was thrilled at how green everything was) but it felt like i was the only person in the canyon (until random bike guy showed up - who, for the record, i enjoyed chatting with) and i just got to read my scriptures, write in my journal, and pray in complete silence. it was wonderful to have the time to just ponder and be still. i need more of that in my life. 

(the nice man who asked me if i needed a ride because he thought i was stranded and the rock i sat on for hours)

after mountain time my dad, his brother (my uncle dave), and i went into midway and ate at the greatest little place. as we went through that small town i realized i haven't really explored it all that much which is sad for how often i've driven through it in my lifetime. if boston has taught me anything it is that every place has lots of great things to offer - it is just up to us to find those things and experience them. so often we don't take time to do that in places we live/frequent which is so sad! if/when? i move back to utah i have lots of places i look forward to exploring and getting to know better. 

afterwards we stopped at the outlets and i broke the swimsuit curse and bought three after not buying a new one for five years!  we also stopped at kneaders so they could try cannoli - sad news bears they were gross. so guess they/you just need to come to boston and try the real thing!

ps i am very glad i got to see the beautiful shag carpet one last time before they ripped it out. i don't quite know if i will ever get over that one.

1 comment:

Christine Frandsen said...

I'm so glad you had time with those mountains. What a nice dad to provide that! Sad cannolis! hahaha