
and then i went to utah. and saw some friiieeends

going to utah was to be with my family. i knew that and wanted it to be that way so i laid pretty low the ten days i was there and didn't make a huge fuss about being in town. with that being said i did get to see a few friends and it was nice! 

friend 1 : cortina
i miss her (my bike) so so much and it felt so good to ride her again. sadly, her tire hated having air in it so i only got to ride her once (so grateful i rode that big two miles to my sister's house haha).

friend 2 : lauren gunn
random sighting in line at the blue lemon. one of those friends you don't really feel comfortable calling and making plans to go do things with but are always thrilled to see when you both happen to be in the same place at the same time.

 friend 3 : my great (x5?) grandpa truman o. angell just having a whole exhibit thing on him at one of the visitor centers on temple square. i had no idea this existed!

friend 4/5/6 : bf since elementary emily and her babes hinkley and olive. she showed me the ever famous, instagrammed by every person in utah, city creek. it was nice, but i really just enjoyed her company most.  

friend 7 : mission bf jacquie. we squeezed in some time while i was in provo by sitting and talking while she got ready for work. emmy was a trooper during this and the other friendship moments of provo day. 

 friend 8 : nicest went on a few dates last summer but neither of us were really interested in each other that way greg. he lives right by j-dawgs and so he came and chatted with us while we ate. we like greg,  he is a good friend. and we like emmy for capturing such a special moment. 

friend 9 and 10 : old roommate suzanne and efy favorite tiffany. they joined emmy and i at honolulu ice and it was a very joyous occassion. so many laughs and reminiscing moments. 

there were plenty of other friends i would have loved to see but i feel happy i at least got to see the few i did. it never ceases to amaze me how God always puts great people in my life. i like my friends!


Christine Frandsen said...

biggest snow cones ever. hahahahaha

yay cortina! she would love boston. shipppp herrrrr outttttt!!!!

brynne frei said...

amen! those snow cones are blowing my mind! and cortina is just such a beaut. i love those friends so much and am so glad you had time to see them! your outfits look great and you just jam packed that friendship time right in. wish i could have been there! xoxo