

if you have instagram then that hashtag should be familiar to you because once upon a time i had like 20 baby chicks hatch at work and i loved them so much. 

here is a photo story of that love : 

it is interesting to note that the love began when i was just a little chick myself. 

so taking care of these little fluffy babes came rather naturally.

see? so natural.

 every few days a couple more would hatch so there was always a cute little one to hold and love.

or just hang with.

 they love being held and cuddled. 

 sad chick story.
my boss' child is crazy and dropped this little guy and he hurt his leg. all the other chicks were being jerks so i took him away from the others, made him a baby bed of tissue, and held him so he would stop shaking long enough to sleep for a few minutes. we had a moment together for sure.

 they were so cute. and then like a week later they got feathers and got big. 
 sadly, they were not cute anymore. and smelled bad. and got real gross.

so they went to the boss' home and were never seen again. 

the end. 


Christine Frandsen said...

i miss chick picks. but i love the label "my pets".

Melissa Joan said...

I seriously cried when I read this post/looked at all the pictures. I love those little chicks! My favorite is the picture with the caption "or just hang with." Annnnnd I also loved that you made one of them a baby bed of tissue. Most of all, I love every little picture in between of you holding them and making different faces. This post was for me, I just know it.

brynne frei said...

this is just golden. dreamy dreamiest dream job life!