

 usually i'm not the biggest fan of halloween because a. i've never read where it says you don't have to wear garments on holidays and b. i hate seeing all the pictures of my efy babies on fb being naked because it breaks my heart a little bit. (ok alot)
 but i am pleased to announce this weekend was a big hit.
 it started off with a little family get together at ty and lisa's (this is the only photo of the event but luckily they are in the picture..kind of). we watched this show and accompanied it with momma jan's carmel/butter popcorn. really out of control movie but a lovely time anyway. 
 saturday morning was filled with work and cleaning checks..this was my portion and i was so pleased with myself i had to take a photo of it!
we decided to eat at tepanyaki for dinner and it was delicious as usual. this picture is actually from when we went for ryan's birthday so just imagine him in a cowboy outfit (the chef not ryan).
 that night we had the privilege of spending some time with
 b and tanner. 
 we carved (a) pumpkin and watched some halloween gems.  
tanner had a great idea of making the pumpkin into a 3d puzzle so we all took turns carving pieces. 
..while watching hocus pocus. you can assume from (the half of) tanner's face how enthralling it was 
aaand since it was the greatest idea ever we could take pieces out and see the magic happening inside! i couldn't get enough of it. way to go on that one, tanner.
 halloween morning we went to sister roper's homecoming slash mission report. she and ry hit it off famously (as i knew they would). sorry we stayed for five hours and ryan had to fall asleep on me for two of them because we couldn't stop talking. love her. (and him for not being mad) 
 halloween night was spent at the margetts home and the whole fam enjoyed scones (maybe i ate 15?) and hot chocolate. 
the night then turned into a spontaneous talent show. 
or something like unto it. we tried to all sing together and it was definitely..amusing. love them. and being mormon.
afterwards we we went and hung out with my parents in our kitchen and talked about our day and how crazy the people are i talk to on chat. i love them too.

so basically it was a really great weekend with lots of family time (i consider b and her family in that category too). i was reading this blog post of brynne's while i waited for the pictures to load and i loved everything she wrote about loving life and being in the moment. as i hung out with her and ryan and our families this weekend i just felt so blessed and so happy. i feel grown up in the sense that the things that are most important in life are actually the things that matter most to me. sometimes we get caught up in comparing ourselves to others or wanting what we can't have or forgetting priorities but i'm grateful for times when we can wake up a little bit and realize that we have so much.


brynne frei said...

such a nice halloween weekend! you are great and i want to be friends all the days with you. move back to slc. okay? but it's okay if you don't because i think we've got a great thing going right now. love you gf

Braunersrither Family said...

What a nice day. I didn't realize Ryan's whole family has got talent. I love that picture of Mom and Dad. Love your blog! And so glad when I comment I feel nice.

Christine Frandsen said...

I'm glad you wrote Susan a message- and that you are both former Taiwan-residents. She's actually great friends with one of Dantzel's best friends, so there is some other Murray connection going on there- just another great thing about being Mormon :).

I liked the pic-evidence that Ry and Paul do have the same shirt :)

Looks like great Halloween fun!

Brooke said...

Lovin' the recap, Meganfriend. Good times at the "singalong" on Sundeeeee. We must do it soon. xoxo