
the time has come

to take myself more seriously!

i've started a photography blog. it all happened because my sister wanted me to take her birth photos (inspired by my amazing cousin jessica's photography). she wanted to post them but then wanted to be able to link them to a photography blog for people to go to if they were interested, etc. i felt kind of silly making it and i haven't really said anything about it because of that but after taking her birth photos i decided that i really would like to do it more often.
whether a business will come from it or not i don't really know. what i do know is that i love it and there comes a point when we all have to stop being scared and just do what we want to do..right? before my mission i was scared to do anything unless i knew i could be the best at it. well, i learned too much to still have that sad view of life (even though i still secretly battle it..maybe this super long explanation of making a blog tipped you off?). i know that there are 1029329312832 photographers out there who are better but it doesn't matter. i know i'm not the best and i don't think i'm the best so it works out. i'm just doing what i like to do.

so. anyway.. here it is.

let me know what you think
..even if you hate it. k?

and just because every post needs a photo 
(ps definitely had to pay google $5 for more storage..whaaat?)

one of my faves from the birth shoot.
so precious.


Ry said...

looks great megan brooke. Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.

Sabrina Wang said...

Megan,did you know I AM your FAN!
I love to see your every photos!(特別是你拍小朋友的照片!)
加油!you ban fa,baby!

Kelly Jean said...

Love it, Megan!!! You have an eye for beauty & capture it so well. I've always admired your work!

By the way - I had the SAME irritating problem with Blogger charging $5 for more picture-storage space - ugh! Lame! Instead of doing that, I opened a Photobucket account... and it works like a charm! Free... big photos.. you should try it :)