
hi pictures.

i took two finals today and also bought international stamps (who thought sending letters and pictures to new members would cost so much. $50 just for stamps. really?). so now i feel like blogging. don't really know how it correlates. 
this week..
macey's had a killer deal (maybe still does?) on chex cereal between. what i bought for me, my mom, and my sisters- it totalled 54 boxes haha. $1.09 a box cannot be beat.
wednesday night we went and saw the lights. i think i took this photo and not really any others but thank goodness nicole did, bless her heart.  
we threw an ugly sweater christmas fest this weekend. i'm glad my collection could clothe ryan, suzanne, and myself!
if you look closely my earrings are clay kittens with santa hats. 
ryan was such a good sport!
(ps I got these off my roommate ashley's facebook so they are possibly crappy quality. sweet thing has all her albums set to private so this was the only way for you to see them)
ryan! haha. the gettinginpeople'spictureswithoutthemknowing thing never gets old. 
i'm so glad she captured this lucky moment.
another lucky moment would be how we went with my mission president and his wife to the temple saturday night. oh those live sessions! it was nice to be there with all of them and ry guy. missions rock. 

(and if you want to know why the hoers are so cool, you can listen here.)

yesterday we finally got to give ryan's dog max this sweater. when i saw it in the store i was dying. i had to buy it for him. who would think up a knit turtleneck for small dogs! genius.
let's be honest, i don't even like dogs.
 but i like him.
wendy put up her tree!
 (i hope i can make a habit of highlighting her decorations in every post).
so much happening, so christmas fabulous. i could stare at it for days.
at my request my mom put up our front room tree too!
(hasn't happened since before my mission haha) 
which is more on the lovely side so i love it for different reasons. i think i could just sit in front of a lit tree for hours and never get sick of it. add some hot chocolate and christmas tunes and i'm entertained the whole break. 
after not having christmas for two years in a country where they only put up decorations at the mall or the mission home, you just can't get enough of it.

aaaand cue abrupt ending.


Ryan said...

aaaand cue double post. :) loved them both. long time.

Unknown said...

what a steal on that chex!! i love me some chex mix. your life is really fab, i love it. you and ryan are a+ together. i want to see you in person. okay? okay.

Natalie said...

Thief Ryan!!! That is sooooo my christmas sweatshirt from like the 4th grade...I have pics to prove it!

kelli said...

I like you.