
i am so mad at you right now

yes you. random guy who won't listen to me when i say you need to stand in the back if you are tall and other random guy who thinks looking at his own picture on his camera is more important than posing for two seconds so the actual photographer can take a picture. it is people like you that makes photographers become jerks and have a no camera policy for guests at their events or in the case that the photographer doesn't say anything, you are enabled to ruin every picture for the couple because your camera is all up in the photographers way the entire time or some people are looking at your camera instead of the photographers. i'm glad you cared more about having your own snapshots throughout the day than allowing the pictures look nice that the couple purchased for hundreds of dollars. I'M SO ANNOYED. i'm going through all these pictures i took of the wedding and as hard as i tried to let everyone do their thing and take their own pictures it ruined so many of mine and that upsets me. note to self: when i'm the obnoxious person at a wedding taking a million pictures, don't get in the photographers way.

the end.  

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