
i went to the district of columbia : day four

day four docket:
trolley tour

and we did just that! we were off to a bit of a rough start though, it turns out walking all day long the day before wore us gals right out! so we got into DC at the crack of noon and were ready to just hit this trolley tour so hard.
all of our trolley friends

sidenote: don't ever eat breakfast at subway. it may seem like a good idea, but it is not. 

first stop on our trolley tour: THE ZOO

i thoroughly enjoyed creeping the animals/beth 

we were spotted on the animal cam!!!

real sadness

"he'll have to do" - what the look on beth's face is saying

this zoo kept forgetting to have most animals but they remembered to have elephants!

cave hat!

i loved these so bad

hahahaha more real sadness, 
for some reason we thought they might be hiding panda's in a different part of the panda house. we were wrong, as beth's face clearly expresses. 

most confusing map.
 i guess it is nice to have the "you are here" dot on the sign, but it might be more helpful to have it actually inside of the map. but, maybe not.

ever since i watched "rise of the planet of the apes" i feel obsessed with these little guys and just imagine them climbing the redwoods and being named caeser and their first word being "NO"

special moment

special moment #2

this guy wouldn't open his mouth for anyone except this girl (me). 
he just opened it right up and loved me so much! buuut i told him i was only interested in just being friends.
the place where butterflies fly all over your face and it is real hot and steamy gross inside!

maybe there is a rule that all zoos have to have a tiger/lion drinking fountain. hogle zoo's wins though, sorry smithsonian institution national zoological park.

the zoo was way great and we spent way too much time there. sorry tour. 

next up: national cathedral

best views from the top, and i felt like i was in a disney princess movie. 
(and no brittany, i was not in a real disney princess movie you weirdo!)

and then : the u.s. capitol 
(another one of those apictureisgoodenoughsoi'mnotactuallygoingtogetoffthetrolleytoseeit type of times)

but we really got out of the trolley this time because we had to : franklin d. roosevelt memorial

beth wouldn't let me take any of the touristy photos i wanted to take so i had to settle for taking pictures of other people taking those pictures: 

(i mean can't you see me doing that exact pose on a rock?)

(why is franklin d. in the wizard of oz right now?)

we found our bff's again!!

you looked nice from afar: jefferson memorial

i love fourteen year olds : martin luther king jr. memorial

and lastly : those great hot dog slash ice cream stands that always look so fun and nice

the night ended with beth and i walking all over trying to decide on a place to eat and then eventually just heading back to thai place near her house. as soon as we sat down she got this little beth grin on her face and blurted out "and tonight i'm going to treat you!" like it was the biggest surprise that she finally just had to blurt out because she had been holding it in so long. and then she just laughed and laughed. it was a definite youhadtobethere moment but it was too good slash funny to me to not document. we ate our food asian style (which is my favorite. i wish it was fine with americans to just eat off of each others plates!) while we discussed our missions (she served in korea, the motherland) and the good old days and dating and life. i loved that chat. it was a very nice way to end a very nice day! 


Christine Frandsen said...

i just liked you taking pictures of other people the best.

i've only seen jefferson memorial from afar too! it's their fault for putting it out on a distant island. bad plan.

14 year old bffs!

brynne frei said...

the motherland. you weirdo. so many sad beth faces. special moments.

SO many good things about this hahahaha. i love DC so much. wish we could experience it together but beth is the best stand in i could ever asked for. i never asked for her. but i'm pretending like i could have been part of the trip.