let's look back at what this break had to offer.
(and by break i mostly mean christmas and weddings)
every so often i worked and chatted with the great people of the www.
then (i forgot to take pictures for a week of it somehow so now we are to) christmas eve we had a lovely dinner with the margetts
christmas program with the moysh's
then topped it off with some traditional new pajamas.
christmas morning was spent again with the moysh fam
christmas afternoon was spent with the margetts lounging around and playing
hedbanzryan was too nice to me and besides other nice gifts surprised me with a book of my mission!
he went through the thousands of mission photos i have (bless his heart)
and made this book.
it took him hours and hours and hours
..best gift i've ever received!
the day after christmas we flew to texas for our dear friend ashlie's marriage fest!
we stayed with my sister tricia and within the hour of arriving ryan was being harassed by little children, as usual.
that night was spent at the lohner home catching up and staring at their way magical christmas tree!
nights were spent being twins and watching various movies
(all of which i fell asleep to..BUT we watched the davinci code the other night and i actually stayed awake! definite miracle)
wedding dinner
(she looked soooo good)
..but still very much ashlie.
pretty reception
and a hundred other photos that i'll keep to myself..it was a great wedding to say the least.
before leaving i realized i didn't really take any photos of tricia's family (and dale's sister's fam who was staying with them for christmas) so this is all i got, taken right after everyone woke up. sorrrrry tricia.
we loved staying with you!
that night was the annual
christmas party. big success.
next up:
courtney price
(aka my trainer)
extra treat = the hoers were right in front of me in the sealing! very worth almost dying on the roads to get there.
sweetest brother in law drove me to the temple and then accompanied me to the luncheon.
awkward? maybe.
delightful? yes.
new years eve=dad's birthday
breakfast with the becks!
..then rang in the new year with another round of hedbanz until 2:30 am.
(which is why this was such a treat) and tomorrow is brynne's turn, i can't wait!!
words don't express how happy i am for that girl.