
where my presidents at?

presidents day = savers 50% off day

because i take this day very seriously 
i slept over at ashlie's house last night so we could get there
 at 7 am and beat all the regulars to the sweet deals.

at 9:30 (whoops!) we arrived and had a delightful time.

for everyone's sake i even remembered my camera! 
(and by that i mean i remembered to pull it out and actually use it)

amazing technicolor dream dress!

 reservation barbie

i should've bought that jacket.

i wish these were videos instead of records, i would have bought them.

friendship secret = i used to dance with my parents bed posts to his music
(yes love it or hate it i was that girl who pretended the 
swing set poles in my backyard were boyfriends)

i creeped little kids

party at savers!

loved him

and her 
(except she bought all the things that were not half off  which is weird)

and them.
i think the picture says more than words could.

yay for presidents! 


brynne frei said...

i'm so proud of my girl. i didn't even know about that 50% off day at savers. creeping pictures are so fun with a nice cam too. thanks dance friends for being friends with mega. love love bye.

a. dancepants said...

you forgot to mention how we played DKReturns into the wee hours of the night, which is why we arrived at Savers 2 and 1/2 hours late, and why Savers was such a success. Wish I had purchased that Reservation Barbie getup... I'm having non-buyers remorse...

Kelly Jean said...

Oh my. I've been LOOKING for a technicolor dream coat dress my entire life. DCT.

(dream come true)