

..is just having a birthday! today! hurray for this! 
after doing 4 hours of homework i decided to treat myself/everyone and give her a birthday shout out via this blog
(no need to remember that probably ten people look at it).
don't actually know if she is included in that number but i think it is still worthwhile.  
so i just went through our year of friendship and decided to highlight some..highlights. chose way too many photos but hey. it's not her birthday everyday so i'm just going to let it happen. if you don't want to go through with it, i suggest you close this tab now.

february 13, 2010 = first time i met her. 
she played music with ryan so he introduced us.
 i assumed we wouldn't be friends.

(the time in between the picture above and the picture below: she informed me she served a mission too. i decided to be her friend).

from this picture on the rest is really history.
but i'll keep going.

just like i do for ryan, i began watching her shows.
she sings like a dream.

 this one was great. you should have been there.

we ate shakes.
(i'm under that hood if you didn't know)

we had (many) sleepovers 
(this is me attempting to show that it was 4:30 am)

we watched and loved aaron neville videos..her face was actually really happy before this photo was taken 
(ryan was a part of many of these times too in case he is reading this and is feeling left out)

we felt cold.

she attended family h.e. with me and showed kittens, inspired by kittens to my nieces
(they loved it as you can see)

 we ventured to chuck-e-cheese 

we experienced the flaming mustache 

we templed

she helped make me a really magical birthday

she has some great anime faces

she helped/laughed at melissa and her fear of eyedrops

she let me feel sad slash empathized with me about not being a missionary anymore

we roadtripped to texas
(which gave her a love of j. bieber)

she bought me my first fish tacos

we share a love for leggings 
(and kitten shirts)

she let me stay with her beautiful family

we both wore swimsuits for the first time since the mish
( = traumatizing) 
and she got to be a part of my first sunburn in about two years
(i didn't put a picture of her because it is her birthday and i know she would of hated it. that's love)

 we've taken walks and senior pictures

she introduced me to stella and dot jewels

we love fish!

 templed. again.

we've said goodbye. too many times.

we skyped. not enough times.

i let her drive bertha
(and she visited me at efy!)

not only templed but also let some mtc elders take this awkward photo

she gave approval for me to reside at green gables

we've had our fair share of dance parties
(if you are lucky,
 she will let you be her captain)

can't get enough of self-timed photos at wedding receptions

we spent a few hours together each time she came to visit davvvvid

this one is really nice.

nik is a creep.

then, sadly, our visits became too short so no photos actually happened for months. 
(because this happened below)
..BUT short visits were better than no visits so i welcomed them gladly.

good news = december got a few
(wedding cake or immodest dress? nobody knows)

we even took  some in texas. again.

and now - lucky for me - she lives in utah again!
(thanks for getting hitched so that could happen)


ashlie is really great and you should all get to know her!
there are a few people who have saved me this past year and she is one of them. 
so grateful that everything happened in ryan's life the way it did so he could introduce us. 
aaaaand i'm so grateful that ashlie tried to be my friend even though i made no effort. 
(still sorry about that)
against all odds, our friendship has turned out to be a huge success.

sometimes i think you serve God and he does nice things for you. 
ashlie is one of those nice things.

happy birthday tiny dancer! 
love you all the time.


Christine Frandsen said...

your Halloween costumes make SO much more sense now. hahaha

Braunersrither Family said...

Just wanted to say that I am sad that I don't make the "MY People" list. :( Miss you and love you tons! Can't wait for April!