
june : week one.

(will i forever be four weeks behind?) 

roommates last magleby's breakfast
(minus britt and suzanne)
getting new roommates has been sad but i will always miss the original
green gables gals!

 at times i think it is a good idea to fly a kite while waiting to be seated at a restaurant.
also, at times, it really isn't a good idea.

once upon a time i saw ashlie for the last time before she left again.
i just wish she would stop moving away! we shared some final
youtube videos, one of our favorite pastimes, and said goodbye. sad.

ryan and i went to the rooftop series concert with mindy gledhill and 
meaghan smith. it was really so great! and so many people! 

fun fact = ryan actually played with nik day for the very first rooftop
series concert. so it is fun to go back and see how it gets bigger and bigger
every time! (definitely took my other camera that day..not noticeable at all)

this time was really great though because it stayed light for so much longer!
ryan played back in september so it got dark really fast. 

by the time meaghan smith played we had met up with some friends on the side.
who knew this would be a nice seat? it was perfect. and free!
(and so many random reunions with people!)

and look!
this friday they will have another one so everyone come down and be my friend!

after a year and a half of not seeing this cute face i skyped with
sister tong my last companion! i don't know why i never ever skype
with anyone, i should really start utilizing it.

and three cheers for this view biking to work! everything is so green!
and lovely. and the other snow capped mountains are just as green and 
even more pretty! who knew utah could stop being brown and yellow
with just a little bit slash a lot of rain?
 (i guess everyone since we've been in a drought for years an years) 


brynne frei said...

i like your life in june. it's really pretty!

a. dancepants said...

I need my frown to turn upside down. How can we accomplish this? Skype date. ASAP. 2011-No Excuses.

Annie said...

I love Meghan Smith!