
this just happened.

yes. labels.

i feel like i am the worst person in the world to label my posts!
well because each post has like ten labels since
 i blog one hundred things at a time.

but work is slow and i've been contemplating it for awhile now,
so it happened. also! i went back to my first few posts and made all the baby sized photos
bigger and the white font to black so you can see what was written on the post
(for any ultimate creepers convenience out there)

reading through those labels and making them super specific was fun.
visiting my old posts was fun too.

i came to the realization that as much as i thought i hated blogging,
i have become a blogger. fancy that.  


kelli said...

work must have been reeeallly slow.
I, too, have been contemplating labels. Worth it?

Kelly Jean said...

Way to go!! That's a good idea. I kinda want to do that! Maybe this is when I shouldn't have written nearly 700 posts, though...