
seattle: antiques are the BEST - part dos

because i love antique stores so so much we headed on over
to puyallup to check out what they had to offer.

an antique that once belonged to flava flav perhaps?


hey how did my parents vhs collection
get all the way over here?

what the?

oh how ticked i am that i owned all these toys
and my mom threw them all away!

creepiest dolls ever

real life swim cap!


yes to the original little people!

say that studio name five times fast

two of these things are not like the others

almost didn't make it into this little shop.
so glad they wanted to finish oprah
so they were open a few minutes longer.

aaaaand the picture of the day winner goes to this gal.
i rarely like the way my photos turn out
(self critical? me? noooo)
  but she looks great
and un-edited which makes her even better.

she lived in the best antique shop of all of them.
it was so great and so full of great things!
and they played really great music, i wanted to live there.
ok so i can't remember the name.
just trust me on this one.


thank you for joining my second tour of antique shops in washington.
don't worry that i have like five more posts on my trip.
i know. i know! you can't wait.
(and by you i mean my mom, sisters, and maybe brynne)


brynne frei said...

yup that last photo was a real gem! i want it for myself actually

Becky said...

Keep em comin sister!

Ry said...

maybe i can't wait either?

Christine Frandsen said...

Puyallup!?! Paul served in that area for a huge chunk of his mission, and we went and visited a few summers ago. Thumbs up for that. Did you go to Pioneer Baker across the street? (thanks reflection!)

And by the way, Super 8 video app, is pretty cool. And unfortunately, I'm not going on Survivor... yet.

Jan Sollis said...

Way nice, keep em coming!!! Can't wait.(o:

kelli said...

I totally had that cash register. And loved it. But I still suck at money/change...! Fisher Price fail.

Shayla said...

when you were in washington i wish you could have made a stop in my hometown snohomish! antique capital of the nw! http://www.myantiquemall.com/starcenter.html. anyways.