
just getting my swiss on.

so now that it took me a month to blog about california we can finally move on to other fun things that have happened! being behind on blogging is the best.

anyway. a few weeks ago some of my family headed to our cabin for the weekend. we are always really excited when our weekend falls on the swiss days weekend because our cabin is only about 7 minutes away from the festivities! it makes it real convenient, especially when your family forgets to take you home.
buuut that is beside the point.

so here are random pictures of the day of things i liked in case you forgot to go.

one day i will own that hammock. i'm serious.

i didn't actually like this i thought it was creepy

we heart swiss days

 puzzles made out of stamps! and they cut out the pieces free hand. are you kidding me?
 that is AWESOME. 

1. why don't i have a T in my name? 2. i almost bought that dry erase board because it is so gross

with my shirt that was made in switzerland i fit right in haha

this made me sad that i didn't bring ryan!

this chair was magical

 i tried really hard to think of someone that would appreciate how great these carved golfballs were. i mean seriously, he cut open a golfball and carved it! genius.
 this was a definite highlight of the day. i walked by what i'm holding, laughed real good because hey - i served a mission, some guy told me i could have it and that the guy who drew it would be back shortly. as we waited i said, "hey! this looks like those comics that are in the friend!" the guy then said to me "he is the guy that does those comics in the friend". guys! i met the guy that does the comics for the friend!! my list of famous people is growing increasingly longer errrry day. 

 i feel like these words have come out of ryan's mouth before. or my brother scott. bullies! 

 the his and hers clock was a big hit

1. who would pay a million dollars for a frame with a bunch of buttons on it? cute. but not worth a million dollars. 2. who would pay money for glass bottles that "contains sand from the La Push First Beach WA" from twilight!! stupid

2nd mormon famous person of the day = greg olsen! 
signed so many things with a pretty gold pen. nice guy.

 very classy entertainment

 very classy entertainment #2

what the freak?

every mormon mom looooves swiss days

 i laughed so hard at this. another itisonlyfunnybecauseiwasamissionary moment?

this guy hand painted me some really great earrings! 
(which made my swiss days requirement which = can't be something i could get at quilted bear)

 and the day ended successfully with a little mhs reunion! 

thanks for another good time swiss days. see you next year.


a. dancepants said...

As much as I appreciated the La Push sand necklaces, I feel slightly disappointed with Swiss Days in general. I've never been and I expected lederhosen and yodelers galore. Or at least a lot of cheese and a few cows with flowers on their heads and bells around their necks.

Jan Sollis said...

You would have loved it Asley, they do have really great yodelers!! Can't believe Megan didn't get a picture of them. Congratulations on baby dance.

Unknown said...

looks like a success. i've never been, but i feel like next year i definitely should.

brynne frei said...

i've never been either! great job documenting and i want to come sometime pleeease