
please just watch the most inspiring clip ever

i love sundays. seriously, they are the best.
today consisted of going to ryan's ward, then my sister's to see her family sing in church (which was the cutest), eating family dinner with the margetts, playing freeze tag outside with their fam (and red rover. and mother may i), eating grandma gareth's famous birthday cake, hearing stories about the murray man trip to powell and how they almost died from flash floods, cleaning up (i really do like doing that, especially with ry guy by my side), and now to end the night successfully we are watching the prince of egypt. for the first twenty minutes ryan kindly let me bounce around on an exercise ball to 1. stretch out my sad body because it is still dying from the 10k we did yesterday and 2. because i'm obsessed with this movie and i needed to get out some of my excitement.

and now i would like to share with all of you my favorite part. whether you have or haven't watched this movie, you should definitely watch this clip. it starts getting good at about minute two.

on my mission we could only watch one movie besides church movies. 
prince of egypt was it.
before the mish i hadn't really ever watched it but let me paint you a picture.
you have been out on your mission in oh, let's say, taiwan for months now. the only movies you have watched is the twenty minute restoration video, finding faith in Christ, and the occasional awkward lds short film made in the 80's on being honest or about picking up snakes. (and all those are dubbed over in chinese so you haven't really seen anything in english). then, one great day, your mission president gives his approval for your zone to watch the prince of egypt together. it was like the best two hours of your life and you cannot remember being more obsessed with a movie or being happier on a preparation day. a good message, great soundtrack, a little romance, funny jokes - what more could you want? 


i'm going to stop speaking in third person, i think you get the idea. at that time in my mission i watched the specific part above and really related with moses. at times the Lord calls us to do things we don't feel that we can. we don't feel adequate or good enough or qualified. maybe that is a new calling or to be a mom or a new job. for me, i've never felt more inadequate than being called on a mission to another country and being told to speak mandarin chinese. so, like moses, i too wrestled with the Lord to try and reason with him and explain that he chose the wrong person. there had to be someone better suited! but the Lord's response for all of us is the same. we are to do as he commands and he will be with us. i love how he kind of put moses in his place and then lovingly says just that, "moses, I will be you". we are to just trust him. moses trusted him and ended up saving his people. when we do the hard things we are commanded to do we can part our own red seas and make the difference the Lord intends us to. i didn't want to forget that so i took a video of it with my camera and would watch it on preparation days when i was losing faith or felt somewhat depressed and it always reminded me of the Lord's love and how he believed in me and what i was doing and helped me keep going. funny how i was so comforted and inspired by dreamworks rendition of moses' story! but i'm grateful for it.

aaaaand if you feel like one clip wasn't enough, here is my second favorite.



kelli said...


brynne frei said...

so nice!! i love prince of egypt and love happy sundays.