
it is ryan's birthday this week!

as i pondered this exciting thing i realized i never blogged about his birthday last year!
who am i? am i real? i don't know.
but anyway, i decided to blog about it today! as they say, it is better to have a late post than a..no post.


a day or two before his birthday i took him to the full moon lift ride at sundance.
(you can't tell but we are on the lift in this photo)
it was our first time and we love love loved it.
(i also love love loved that jacket but it decided to turn everything pink and ruined lots of things but that is a different story)

the day of his birthday we drove up to squaw peak and had a picnic!
it was so pretty and really everything about it was dreamy.

as you can see ryan liked it too

guys remember when i had to wear glasses for 9 months? that was fun.

and so is jumping.
and i'm only posting this photo because i legitimately look 8 months pregnant
and who doesn't like that?

slightly better and not as pregnant, but still pregnant.

this birthday collage = a big fail.
i still don't know why the pictures are all pixely but whatever. i'm so glad it's the thought that counts.

after squaw peak picnic i stalled by saying i needed to go grocery shopping so that my roommates had time to set up this nice little surprise birthday party.

they were so sweet to put it all together and with bieber playing in the background how could it not have been a big success!
for some reason all my roommates called him papa so this card was rather fitting.

theeeeeeeen we made a fort outside, brought out my computer, and watched..

it was a great way to end a birthday. and a really great birthday all around.
still can't believe it took a year to be blogged about!

and as a side note: i'm still real sorry i fell asleep ry. for your birthday this year i promise that won't happen!


brynne frei said...

i'm so excited for this birthday!! and seeing pictures from the full moon lift ride breaks my heart. favorite utah activity for surrre. so magic!

kelli said...

I feel good about that.
And I feel like you probably know this but you two are good looking people. Cute first picture. :)

kelli said...

(also, right comment on the right post! it's a Christmas miracle).

Kelly Jean said...

Look how fun you are! I love reading about your life. :) Also -- good memory much?? Dang. Way to go! Can't wait to read about what you do this year for his bday!

PS - Thanks for the sweet compliment on my blog! Ah! You're the best.