
so. many. trees.

oh hey festival of trees blog post in my drafts! i guess i forgot you were in there! 
so when i was little i would always perform at the festival of trees but hadn't been back in yeeeears so this year i was very adamant about making it happen. 

sometimes people try really hard to be creative
which sometimes worked out great and other times not

i loved this wooden nativity art

and of course brynn's tree. 
when we walked in that tree caught my eye from across the room and i  knew that it had to be hers! it just stood out from the others.

when we finally go to it i was so happy to see it really was her tree! it was definitely my favorite and the quotes on the Christmas packages were the perfect touch.

i don't think i'm the only one that felt that way either.
if you can see from the picture above everyone on the one side is stopped at her tree (you can't see her tree in the picture but just trust me) because there was just something about it. we stood and watched people for a little bit looking at it and i think they could feel the special-ness of it as well. 
 leave it to brynn to continue inspiring people! 

we ran into so many nice friends! one of them being this gal!

what we like to call the "over achiever" tree/display

ryan's favorite!

std bear's girlfriend?

yes i think this gingerbread extravaganza is great but what I really want you to look at is the background and how the people are just shoved everywhere!

and what is not to love about madagascar and up?

we made a goal of seeing every single tree and after four and a half hours we can successfully say we did it! we both kind of wanted to die by the end there but i'm still proud of our accomplishment. big thanks goes out to ry guy for being a trooper and for everyone who did such a nice job! those trees just warmed my heart. 

1 comment:

brynne frei said...

i'm so happy you took a photo of the people around brynn's tree! i kept hearing about it and wanted to see what that part looked like too. thanks for the tour, megs. totally loved it.