
last week

or the week before? these things happened. 
zupas date with lil j and her sister. i love how i can sit in that place recognize at least 20% of the people that walk in..and then not actually say hi to any of them. i'm a bad friend.
(anyone mhs alumni recognize that girl in the background? i did.) 

ryan's family was so nice to let me tag along with them to see white Christmas at byu and might i say i LOVED it. like really really loved it. they did such a good job! i loved their simplistic approach to the set and those moving stairs. whoever had that idea is the smartest. 

niece lilly is so funny. when she wakes up from her nap she just shoves herself in the corner of her crib so she can see the door and just stays like that until someone comes and gets her

we had a great mission temple night! sad news bears = most of our mission forgot to show up but we still had a lovely session and being with president and sister hoer is always a delight. 

another sad thing though is that people don't ever know how to use cameras. 
exhibit a

exhibit b
(some people are not just cut off but completely out of the picture)

and finally after asking someone else a picture that kind of worked but is still struggling. 

we couldn't pass up an opportunity to take one or two self-timed toddlers in tiaras pictures

and then went back to a sister's house to have treats and just chit chat with the hoers. and after many attempts we finally got a nice photo together! i love them. 

next up = mindy gledhill house concert! 
(did krista do a fabulous job decorating or what?)

put on by none other than the amazing krista maurer
(who took these photos last year) 

it was a little cramped but we liked it. this would be spencer and libby i think? i don't really remember their names but they sounded nice

then the lady of the hour sang nice songs 
this was my view

and then i got bored waiting for her to take care of her baby so i took creepy pictures of things

then everyone's mindy dreams came true. 
honestly i was just happy to see those green gable gals!
 and eat homemade treats and stare at that christmas tree. 

this post was weird. 


brynne frei said...

might i say how nice you looked temple night? so nice. gimme those shoes.

Kelly Jean said...

Ditto to Brynne's comment.

And I love how much you love Zupas... nothin' beats it! Mmmm.

Ry said...

p.s. that guitarist isn't my friend Chase. :)