
sisters weekend : day two

began with seeing this beautiful sunrise

and tricia fitting right in on the subway 

and picking up sisters #2 and #3! they didn't have a very good flight from slc to nyc so bless their hearts they were going off of about one hour of sleep. after dropping off their stuff i knew where i needed to take them to get the day started off right..

this place! they said they wanted to see nice things and eat good food so i felt pretty confident about the friendly toast

and what are the odds that the way annoying people in front of me in the megabus line going to new york the week before were there too?! i doubt they recognized me but i felt awkward

i felt very daring in my meal choice (grilled croissant with brie, bacon, grilled spinach, fried eggs, and mango sour cream) and didn't even hate it! but let's be honest i was mostly excited for those sweet potato fries which are the best i've ever had (and that is saying something) and wish i could eat them everyday.

everyone loved their food and this creepy life size barbie so i say friendly toast was a success!

since we were pretty close to the stata center we went back to check it out in the day time. seriously one of frank gehry's finest (next to the guggenheim of course)

next on the agenda was finding a starbucks and on our way i found ben! i have been looking everywhere for a ben franklin statue and i was really happy this was the day it finally presented itself

contrary to our winter attire it was actually pretty warm outside! hence the giant strawberry frapp i felt had to happen since the thought of drinking something warm at that time kind of made me sick.

on the way back we accidentally saw one of the cemeteries on the freedom trail so we decided to just check it out while we were already there. people like samuel adams and paul revere were and ben franklin's parents were buried there. it was exciting.

then after buying some boston shirts, taking a much needed bathroom break, and eating some of mindy's homemade cinnamon almonds (bless her heart for making rations for each day!) - we were ready to rock this trail!

i, of course, took them to the state house right away. 
luckily bff paul was there and let us go on the locked balcony again! 
("ah no. i shoulda neva told you about this megan!" - paul with his boston accent)

then because he saw how happy the balcony made us he offered to let us go into the state senate chamber and take pictures with the president's gavel. look how happy he is (and everyone else except for maybe other security friend who doesn't look happy at all) to make all us girls day! 

i mean seriously. what more could i ask for?

thanks to the brochure we found out the words of "my country tis of thee" were first sung on the steps of this here park street church so i tried to get them all singing it on video. "guys i'm recording! guys i'm recording! guys pay attention and sing i'm recording! ..it was a failure.

we strolled through boston commons and the public gardens (which i LOVE) and then headed to the destination they cared way more about


(please note that tricia is immediately updating her facebook status which happened every where we went and was crucial to having a successful vacation)
i really hated the idea of eating at cheers because i hadn't heard anything that good about it but becky informed us that happy hour was from 2 to 4 so appetizers were half off! well that made me feel completely different about the whole situation and all of the sudden eating at cheers became a great choice! my only complaint would be that they have the tiniest public bathroom in the world and it got very claustrophobic very quickly. 

i'm so glad grace and i watched the pilot episode of cheers so i could feel a special connection to this gal

after cheers time we walked around the shops in beacon hill and looked in people's houses to ooh and awe over their interiors. we found this great store whose owner is way funny and reminded me of carol burnett for some reason (she is in the picture above on the left) and she was selling a few vera bradley purses for 50% off! becky is obsessed with vera so she was pleased as punch (i'm trying to stop using the same adjectives over and over again so i'm throwing in an idiom here) to find one she liked and she got a free coin purse too! 

this cute chocolate shop was too cute to pass up so we bought some goodies 
(please take note that becky felt it would be best if she wore her husband's coat because it was the warmest they have. this is why it is huge on her small body haha)

they all said they were tired (that happens when you've only slept for an hour the night previous) and were ready to go home until tricia mentioned toscanini's and then all of the sudden they perked right up and weren't tired anymore! they thought it was just as great as tricia said it would be and the two flavor favorites of the night were definitely blackberry lime and ginger (sick).

then some people crashed on the subway and one other person was so stressed to get on the right subway that she made everyone get on the wrong one (still sorry)

so since we missed the bus (again) that takes us closer to our house we walked my favorite walk once again and might i say these tired gals were troopers! and even though they might not admit it i think they enjoyed my favorite walk too. 

the night ended with everyone freezing and me tucking them in and putting anything warm (hence the coat) over them so as to make their tired and cold bodies a little more comfortable. this entire bedtime experience was very amusing and made everyone feel like they were camping. i can't think of a better way to feel after such a long day! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what fun sister times!! you really know how to show your visitors a good time megan. also, we have twinner pants. i love them.