

remember how little kids say valentimes day? that is fun. 

so. i just found this in my drafts. i have gotta stop thinking i post things and then never actually do it! 

i feel like these four photos sum up my valentines day activities. 
1. v-day cookies with grace. not on the actual day but still worth noting. we didn't actually have any cookie cutters besides one in the shape of a shark and then we just put frosting on them with spoons so they looked goooooood. emma. don't be jealous. hey grace! that was fun let's do it again soon. 

2. my parents sent me the nicest v-day goodies! my favorite being those earrings pictured above. at times my sweet mom thinks things are "so megan" when in reality they aren't really me (i'm very difficult to shop for so it is completely my fault) at all but this time she won! she really really won. her words: "i was just looking for grandma earrings so when i found these i knew you would like them!" smart mom! nice mom.

3. valentines day was the day after my sisters left and for some reason i was so tired and had no desire to do anything. but in the spirit of the holiday i showered, got dressed, got ready, and wore my pink pants and leopard print blouse. and i took that picture for the instagram picture of the day (which was "heart"). oh! i also ate a few cinnamon hearts my parents sent me. but other than that i didn't do anything and i felt completely happy about it. 

perhaps i don't go crazy on this holiday but i am definitely not a hater and never will be. people who call it single awareness day are dumb and need to calm down. you do not need to have a kissingonthemouth type relationship with someone to enjoy a day that celebrates love. now those thoughts are coming from a girl who is blogging at 11 pm on a saturday night and feels completely fine with it so maybe my opinion of things like that doesn't count? anyway.  that is all i wanted to say. bye.  

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