
one time ryan and i went to wyoming.

ryan is a sweetheart and came with me to wyoming to shoot this reception.

before we headed out i made sure we had roadtrip necessities

twizzlers for me. chewy sprees for him.

aaaaaand a little new found glory to bring everyone back to high school
(which was a complete surprise since it was on the rocket summer pandora station..who knew they were the same genre?)

one day ryan told me about this windmill farm in wyoming and how it has tons and tons of windmills and we passed it! this picture doesn't do it justice at allllll but they were so massive and awesome!

we got there a little early so we had a photoshoot inside of a cool silo
(not to be mistaken with sylo)

and we even got some senior pics out of the way for ry guy!

aaaaaand then all the fun stopped because i had to start taking hundreds of pictures of the occasion. sweet ryan just read his book and was so patient the whole time. i'm so lucky to have such a nice ryan who is so supportive of this little hobby of mine! he could of played a show that night with nik or could have gone to a friend's reception but didn't so he could instead sit in wyoming for hours probably bored out of his mind just to keep me company. see? so nice. hopefully our backstreet boys pandora station sing-a-long on the ride home made it worth it for him!

ps look at this sweet picture he took on his iphone!
 iphone + instagram = who even needs real cameras anymore?


kylee said...

really though. i actually bought an iphone BECAUSE my camera broke. it was the cheapest and best way to remedy the death of my beloved camera.

Kelly Jean said...

Backstreet Boys make everything worth it.

LOVE that lightning picture! It looks like medieval times, which is so magical. Nicely done.

kelli said...

Ooooh I love Lightning pictures. But don't feel as strongly about Wyoming.

a. dancepants said...

I don't know about wyoming, but that Ryan kid is most awesome.

Leandra said...

eeeeeew, twizzlers? Didn't you know red vines are better?