
my sister brought it to my attention that today is

walt's birthday!!! 

this is very exciting news and i'm glad she told me! also sad i didn't know that on my own.
happy birthday walter elias disney!! 
i did however know his middle name was elias
..so that should count for something

and speaking of my sister - natalie is her name - she so happened to make some appearances in some ensigns back in 1993 and my mom being the good saver that she is kept the issues! 

*to my knowledge she was just posing for this article and in fact did not have an eating disorder haha

i have no memory of seeing them before so it was a real treat when my mom showed me today.
as i looked at them i have to wonder if she was my subconscious inspiration for the photo taken below?

*disclaimer: i am not being serious in that photo above! i hate that i have to explain that.
i just have a thing for my sisters and how they worked the early 90's i guess! and walt of course.