
t9 is wrong. disneyland is not disneylame.

nice brother rob let me tag along with his family to disneyland last month!
i was just there in august but who would turn down going again?
not this girl.
i had never been during halloween time either! so it was really exciting.

disneyland looooooves pumpkins this time of year
and all the time of every year lyla looooves the merry-go-round.
in the summer rob would pay the little kids a dollar to go on it with her at lagoon because he
couldn't stomach it anymore and that is all she wanted to ride the entire day haha

the incredibles loved rob's shirt

and i love niece izzy!
and they loved watermelon cotton candy
i liked walking up to this little moment with steph and my dad. just hanging out on the ground with sleeping babies. nbd.
i think my mom captured the joy on my face pretty well!
world of color was just as magical the second time as it was the first.
i probably took like 30 photos of it but i will spare you and just post this one.
gaaaaah i want to watch this every night!
welcome to day 2.  little lauren is the cutest!

just being the family photographer as usual

going on the teacups was really exciting because for some reason i hadn't done it since i was like 14
see? so much excitement. and gross chin.
i feel like my mom is going to ask the question  "megan why is this photo blurry?"
so i will just answer now and say that it isn't blurry - just out of focus - and i did it on purpose!
love us some small world
and popcorn! i'm pretty sure we had popcorn between every meal.

happiest baby award goes to....lauren!

aren't my parents cute?
splash mountain is papa tom's favorite ride if you didn't already know
and i guess the haunted mansion is mine right now!
okay to be honest i kind of didn't understand all the hype about halloween disneyland fest until i saw/experienced the haunted mansion. it was everything i heard it would be and more.
we love tim burton and lanyards right now!
as we passed the balcony of club 33 (right there behind that tree) i felt happy i was just there in august but sad that i'll probably never be allowed in there ever again. worst feeling ever haha

this day the babies were tired so everyone went home except for my dad, myself, and izzy.
i wanted to explore all the things there was never time to do and they were good sports to accompany me. first stop was sitting and staring at all the giant screens in that off the set or on the set? place for a good thirty minutes. i don't really ever know what it is called but i love it there always.

then showing them how great the toy story zoetrope (and to spare ryan from commenting, yes i googled it to see what it was called) and then we found out what character we were most like! at first i was that girl from a bug's life and i hated that so i did it again and fancy that i was cinderella!

then we went to the animation academy and learned how to draw goofy! if i lived by disneyland i would go there everyday probably. i really need to work on my drawing skills.
*and i guess i have to mention that the drawing of goofy in the foreground of the second picture with my name next to it really was drawn by me and not some random person. ryan didn't believe me!

after fulfilling all my dreams we went to go look at all the new things that will be happening and watched this nice video about walt and how great he is. they even had little clips of people saying things like "i grew up loving everything about disney, i always wanted to be a part of the disney team, and i'm an imagineer". what?  sound familiar? "i'm a mormon" campaign anyone?

hey day 3!

here is a small sequence of bug's life land fest:
i love how happy lyla is and i love how happy this man was recording his wife on his ipad

...i like that land but really don't have anything to say about it
lyla found another merry-go-round!
this is how i felt after going on it over and over and over again..i guess i'm getting old.
so eventually i couldn't do it anymore and instead gave my mom some digital slr lessons
she is a natural!

somehow like ten minutes after that photo was taken the sun decided to come out!
which was really happy.
this bbq pizza was also happy and i definitely went there by myself this day because i wanted it so bad
rob is such a sucker/nice dad and is pretty muched wrapped around lyla's finger.
i feel that the photos above prove this.
hey we are in a balloon!
still lovin the pumpkins
who needs those photos the workers take when you can just ask a random stranger?
oh! and that reminds me!
i saw the black man who took our pictures last time and i was really excited.
i like this.
we got a free pin and since i learned all about pin trading from a worker last time i was there while i was lost for a minute we traded our dumb free pin for cooler ones! that sentence is awful but i don't feel like fixing it.
my babies!
a little more halloween decor
aaaaand bye disneyland.
you were so great to us! thanks to parents, rob, and fam for such a fun trip!
and thank you jetblue for making us feel awesome once again.

one week california trip = success


Becky Beck said...

Such a fun trip! And you did the best job documenting it! Our trip to Dland in 06 is the first time I remember you taking pictures and me thinking wow she is a pretty good photographer and look at you now :)

Rob said...

great post meg! We love the pics. Lyla has asked me about a hundred times when we will go back to Disneyland...sooo Rob=sucker/nice dad say's we should think about planning our next trip:)

Christine Frandsen said...

lucky day! i feel connected to this since you were going on tower of terror for me for my birthday. also, when you were sick of the merry-go-round it looked like a Tuba for a second and I got so excited!

ps love day 2 ensemble -scarf, belt, wavy hair and dark skinnies (my fav). great job you and Disney!

Stephanie said...

It was a fun trip! You did a great job documenting it. The picks of Lyla on the merry go round pretty much show her excitement all 30 times she went. I love it!

Jeri said...

Megan, once again your photos are simply awesome! I loved looking at all of these - as I was just there last week with Mike, Catherine and their kids. You guys went some places we didn't go. You got some really good shots, Megan!

a. dancepants said...

I have never appreciated vicarious blog-living like I do at this moment. All I wanted was Disneyland at Halloween time and since pregnant Ashlie could not experience it, you were by far the best second option. If you wanted to send me all of the pictures you didn't post, I wouldn't even be mad.