
today = productive


it is 4:54pm and today i have:

woken up at 12:42 
(did you just go whaaaaaat? because i did the same thing when i rolled over and looked at my phone. am i 16 years old again? well no. that is just what happens when for some freakish reason you aren't tired until 5:30 am)

looked through some mission photos

gchatted with brynne and grace

checked my google reader and fb

gone to the bathroom thrice

edited some photos

forced myself to learn some new photoshop tricks

listened to christmas music

finally taken out my retainer

to drink some eggnog

NOT showered

NOT changed out of what i wore to bed

NOT even looked outside once
*update. i just did look outside and it was DARK. that made me feel not awesome so i plugged in some christmas lights and then i felt awesome again.

(see? that is me with my christmas lights (and santa) feeling awesome)

NOT eaten anything

taken that photo above

decided to blog about this day

do you know what my favorite part about this is? i feel AWESOME


brynne frei said...

that's my girl.

Becky said...

Meg you can always count on me for a meal! You cannot live on eggnog alone...

Christine Frandsen said...

please send that to me as a christmas card. :) it'd go on my fridge all year long.

Kimmy said...

Okay, so as soon as I saw the pic of you with the lights and Santa I almost woke up sleeping Scott with my loud laughter. Love how productive you are sister! I'm with Becky on the eating, you can count on me too for a meal! Favorite part was taking retainer out to drink egg nog, and update on looking outside. Too funny Megar Kegar!