

= best news of the day
(= a great acronymn often used by the burton family)

ever since brynne began using that phrase (and since i have to try and be like brynne in every way possible) i think it to myself all the time throughout the day and even have a section in my journal dedicated to bnoftd moments.


 that is the first thing that came to my mind this day
when i saw my overall gpa for my college career!

let me tell you all a story that most of you wont care to read.

i remembered final grades were up for the semester today.
i was nervous to look at how this semester went because it would determine
what my gpa was for all my uvu years.

now that is kind of a stressful thing!

especially for a girl who cares waaaay too much about it and has since the ninth grade
(and maybe cried when she got a B+ in ms. helms math 1010 class)

so this semester i worked extra hard
(meaning it felt like i was finally a real college student)
to make sure i got 4.o so as to not throw off my cumulative gpa.

so first i checked for this semester. all was well! strait A's.

then i scrolled down to see what my cumulative gpa was.
i was thrilled to see a big 3.92 on there!

(this is how we feel about that)

then out of excitement i did a sexy dance.
..this lasted for a good five minutes.

then i decided to blog about it because i still felt really excited.

and now i feel kind of nerdy.
you now all know how awesome i feel that i had a 3.9 gpa not only high school but also in college!
 buuuut i'm over it.

graduating is cool.

(and a big thanks to murray high for forcing me to buy my cap and gown so i could have a fake commencement here in washington! more on that laterrrr)


brynne frei said...

that is TOTALLY the bnoftd!!! the gpa, the photos, the dance, the UVU grad, and so on and so forth. way to go girf!!

Becky said...

Love this post! I can picture you doing that dance but I still want you to show it to me when you get home...and thanks for being an E-xample to my kids--I think we may have you to thank for their amazing grades :)

Christine Frandsen said...

wow! smart and gorgeous grad in the MHS cap and gown. :) congrats!!!