
how did i forget about this?

a few weeks ago we went on a spontaneous getaway to my cabin for maybe 24 hours
(we love doing that!)
and melissa marsh stole the show with this little number!!
(you know how much i love footie pajamas)

weird that i only took two pictures but it was a great time, 
definitely worth it's own post.

we were sorted into houses, ate pasta and scotcheroos, listened to music with skull candy headphones and danced around and sang (or maybe that was just me?), LOVED cheri call, watched a movie? 
and so much more.

lovvvve those guys.


Jan Sollis said...

Me and your dad stayed up way to late looking at all your new posts. You are still entertaining us at the age of 24, I can only hope this never changes. love you!!!

Leandra said...

I'll take one of those jammies in my size please.