
seattle: i forgot the trip started thursday..

just remembered we got there on thursday and not friday so i will blog about that.

first off, let's just remember how mad i was to go to work the day before i left and it was snowing and i had to wear a coat (yes. i always go to work looking that dreamy at 6am)

anyways. this was taken on my way up to the airport. 
not sad to leave a state that has dirt clouds.

that is much better!

as soon as we arrived we went to the
shops in downtown sumner. they are all so great! 
i want that pasta.

for all you cupcake lovers.

we laughed for days about this!

their antique/second hand stores are my favorite

it really worked! i should put up the video of how thrilled we were.

do you even have to ask? of course i bought it. 
i'll just keep it in my pocket and hold it up to the sun whenever i feel sad.

i still regret that i didn't buy this notebook.

that night we went to the girl's elementary school 
for ARTrageous! 

we walked around and saw the girls accomplishemnts

i don't know these kids but i LOVED them

and listened to kenzie sing in the choir!
(she is the cutie in the front with glasses)

and since they are remodeling the school they let the kids graffiti the walls. 
best school ever!

i loved this.

then we went home and played in the yard


and cardston showed me his boots, 
(there is more to come on that later)

the first day was a success!
(now i will really blog about sunday and monday)


brynne frei said...

i want to go to one of those second hand stores way bad! i'll find the great ones in LA and you can come visit those with me. immediately.

Leandra said...

I'm mad I'm not your sister and not at that second hand store with you. And hey I have a nephew Cardston too!