
let me tell you this story.

one time (on march 31st) we realized ryan's gift certificate (to yamasaki) was going to expire (that very day) and also realized that it closed for lunch (at 2:30) and we couldn't go at night.
the only logical thing to do was go up that second and for me to ditch all my classes.
whoops! for the record it was totally worth it and delicious.

then, it was like the nicest day of the year so far. 
so, we took little maxy max for a walk.

he was thrilled!

during our time at the park i drank this guy

ryan walked max

max made friends

and peed

(slash just pretended because you can only pee so much)
on everything 

(really. these are two of maybe 50 times it happened)

then on the way home we saw this gem.

best first hot day of the year ever!

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