
last day of school! last day of school!

i was not good at taking pictures at uvu this year but i did take a few on my last days.

chinese final = so so so so so awful
guys, chinese is hard!

gender of psychology final = exact opposite

i mean this is how good me and my one school friend prego keesha felt about it
(really - she is my only one because she served a mission too, everyone else had that extra year and a half to move on haha)

we just sat around and talked about whatever and some random guy came in and made waffles for everyone. it was odd but done in classy uv fashion.
(just remembered that this was the other part of the gender final. drive all over town with dumb directions and the destination was stupid home depot. i was hoping it would be winco!)

(that is my photography teacher in the white shirt 
in case you were dying to know what he looked like)

photography final = hard and really time consuming but i felt proud of the results.
i have completely fallen in love with historic architecture.

i felt like this should be posted too. this mom in my class made all those treats (minus the few that are obviously store bought) and then photographed them! i stared at it for like five minutes.

not pictured: interior design final, learning memory and cognition final, aaaaaaaaand the blind guy smoking a pipe leaning against the library book return drop off. just one of the many missed photo opportunities at uvu this year. my camera is just not as capable of being sneaky creeping people like my old one! and for that we all suffer.

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