
oh highschool.

maybe i started this like three months ago and just found it in my drafts..i'm assuming it never made it to an actual post because it is weird and kind of lame but i'm going to go ahead and post it anyway!

so, i haven't quite decided where i want to live so i moved home for a few weeks (which was now three months ago). this seemed like a good opportunity to clean out all my bins and boxes of hud i've collected over the years. I KEEP EVERYTHING. like seriously. every notebook, binder, etc. i just got to the box with my english 1010 binder from mrs. hansen's class. i worked so hard on that stupid binder i guess it seemed important to keep it for the last six years! as i looked through it i couldn't help but laugh as i read different comments on drafts of essays from brynne, leila mojabi (what ever happened to her?), emma, and matt park. i really wish i could still remember the things i learned from that class, i don't even think i remember how to write a paper anymore to be completely honest (thank you taiwan! sorry mrs. hansen).

i also found my math 1050 class binder with all my homework and tests in it. i guess i thought if i kept it i could remember all the things i learned? but after thumbing through it i realized i don't remember a dang thing and looking at it was as if it was a foreign language so i decided to toss it. but it brought back good memories of the friends i made in his classes - rocking out to c.w. mccall with chris sampson, talking to christine about our younger love interests (haha), and telling blakely how i thought zack golden was such a creep to me and then felt mortified when she started dating him that summer.
i feel like this paragraph is just one of the many gems those people who just look at pictures will miss out on.
here are some other really important things i kept:
multiple efy training manuals
every uvu planner i ever used
why this was in a psychology binder i will never know
oh look! i even kept some pictures. this would be me and my bff of the time sunny bennett with creepy dazzle the clown at her birthday party. gosh i loved that shirt.
also worth noting: i was very into scrapbooking in my earlier years, as seen by this photo

i loved finding this picture of my sister tricia and i at hogle zoo! i wish i still had those wax animals.
and also this really kind note brynne hand-crafted for me
i mean those dresses are not drawn but are cut and pasted! that equals love.

oh and my "homemade" really thought out door tags for my efy girls.
 (i won't mention the fact that having it means she didn't like it enough to keep it haha) 
i know what you are thinking! you wish i had been your counselor!
and oh my gosh i'm sooooo glad i kept every single ugly folder i ever used!
one of my more favorite things is trying to find the most hideous folders,
buying it, and then loving the reactions of everyone as i pulled them out and used them each day!
i need to figure out a reason to have folders in my life again.
oh and did you know i studied psychology? well. if you didn't here is a happy little glimpse into the topics of conversation in my classes. if you can't read them let me make it easy for you:
techniques of arousal, the debate on oral sex, abortion issues, sex and the senior citizen, adultery, the wonderful world of std's, and pornography just to name a few. uvu aint no byu! that is for surrrre.
another treasure.
(why oh why would i keep this?)
so there we have it folks. the heaviest bag full of my entire education.
just completely thrown away. in the recycling bin of course.
kind of symbolic don't you think?


Natalie said...

hahahaha! that's all.

Lauren@ "Happiness is..." said...

i always loved your folders!

Hayley Jacob said...

I hope you kept the folders

brynne frei said...

ohhh my gosh. hahaha i don't even remember making that note! and i thought it was made by your little bff baby friend and then saw myyy name!!

Christine Frandsen said...

I love this! I keep everything too for no reason. People who just look at pictures are missing out. Younger lover talks- hahaha not weird at all now. What is Math 1050 even about? I sure don't know.

a. dancepants said...

I especially love the "dancing queen" poster and part of my insides feel sad that it is being recycled when it never lived up to its full potential as wall art

Kimmy said...

SOOOOO FUNNY! Where are our pictures from Kmart? I think you should dig up those goodies!