
everything else that happened besides freedom days that weekend

I don't actually remember when this happened but it is worth mentioning. as we came out of the theater (after watching soul surfer which is ryan's new favorite movie) this car was right in front of us in all it's handicap stall animal loving glory. perfect.

saturday morning (before going to freedom fest for the second time) we went and ate sushi. ryan gets the fried california roll + the ninja roll and i am content with two geisha rolls (fried salmon, cream cheese, and eel sauce - who could ask for anything more?). gosh just looking at them makes me salivate.

afterwards ryan wanted to head over to the d.i. to get some things. i wasn't too thrilled because i never like the d.i. - i'm more of a savers fan but i hit the jackpot and found some really great skirts (okay i bought five) and that great vintage suitcase!! the best part was that suitcase only came to $1.50! bnoftd.
(and can we tell that i just woke up and left that morning without even brushing my hair? yes.)

after going to freedom days we hopped back on our bikes and rode to costa vida (not pictured) then watched the freedom fest fireworks!

our only regret is that we didn't get closer to hear the music playing but it was still great.
oh how i love free fun! and freedom of course.

and we were never more grateful to have rode our bikes than on this night. so many people!

sunday after church we hit up both of our break the fast ward dinners (mine was gross) and had an enjoyable time reading on the steps of the clyde building while waiting for ryan's interview.
i read some of the peacegiver
 (which i highly recommend) 

and ryan read some of his religion manual on his phone
(since i had to use the phone to take the picture he had to just pretend for a minute)
then it was such a nice evening that we laid under this tree by one of the byu parking lots on the way home for a few hours.

i'm happy the simplest things in life bring the most happiness.
first weekend of july = success.


Becky said...

That picture of the handicap sign and animals is AWESOME! You always know how to capture the moment sister... so I took the girls to Soul Surfer a few months ago. When the shark ate her arm Kloe about had a nervous breakdown. She started having an anxiety attack, asked me if we could please leave the theater and was sure if she went into the ocean the same thing would happen to her. Loved that movie too!

kelli said...

I'm so glad you are still wearing your broken bracelet. It almost looks gapped on purpose!

Michelle Montgomery said...

Mmm...that sushi looks delish! Can I come get sushi with you and Ry some time...you probably have the best choices!

Sabrina Wang said...

love the skirts!(and suitcase)it's not easy to find those skirts in Taiwan! :(