
june : rexburg slash idaho falls

a few weekends ago we went to idaho (i'm on a roll!) because ryan was playing with nik day at byu idaho
it was still being so pretty!

on the way there i was getting familiar with ryan's new iphone and fell in love with what i like to call
"the myspace app"
it helped pass the time and made everything look way more awesome so they will be strung throughout this entire post. this trip not only helped me stop hating idaho but iphones as well! success.

it was a great ride up. we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. thank you pandora!

once there i tried to find the bathroom and found this lovely place instead.

i also decided to find a senior couple from my mission that arrived home a little bit ago. after getting the yellow page app we found out they only lived .6 miles away! so while they all did sound check i took myself on a little rexburg adventure.

bertha's twin!
still so sad she died.

i guess they forgot to put in sidewalks. dangerous rexburg!

i was so thrilled to show up at their door in such creepy fashion!
after talking to their neighbor i found out they went out of town for a few weeks to visit their kids.

i stood on their sidewalk without a sidewalk - completely defeated.

but eventually made it back to reunite with ryan
i always get really excited when we both wear mens v-necks and i look like a man

and ryan always gets really excited when pictures like this happen.

after some iphone fest and dinner i got to watch these fancy cats perform!

the black v-neck was definitely the right choice

who knew that in idaho they are famous?

i miss that pen.

we also ate this afterward.
why would butterfinger, fruit, and runts make someone sick? i don't get it

because they are so famous byu-i put us all up in a hotel!
it was probably the swankiest hotel i've ever been in

i was sad we were only there for a minute

but happy we got to head down to idaho falls to see good friend jan!
jan is great and the saddest part of our friendship is i hadn't really seen her since this photo was taken :

just bein at my farewell like three years ago!
thanks facebook.

anyway, after church we decided to go see the falls of idaho.
and they really were so pretty!
 it made me want to live in this town so i could stare at them all day

thanks to the sweetest old ladies who took this photo so we could be in one together! if only iphones had self-timers..

on the way home i continued to be amazed at how cool this app made everything look. so i took pictures of him drinking water  and driving amongst doing other things to keep me entertained.

while trying to find a gas station we saw this sign

and this house within a few feet of each other. so fitting! such gems
(please click on this house to make it bigger so you can really see all that is going on)

then we went and visited this cutie before we left.
my grandpa is the cutest!

and so is his house!

if you ever want to go visit him in malad, you are more than welcome.

thanks iphone, ryan, beyonce station on pandora, famous nik day, byu-i, swanky hotel, the gem community of downy, grandpa, aunt jeri, boating treats, jan, idaho falls, and great weather for bringing me such a lovely weekend!

(ps happy fourth of july!)


Ry said...

"ryan always gets really excited when pictures like this happen" .....punk. hahah

but really though. this weekend = big success.

Melissa Joan said...

I think ryan looks dreamy in his black v-neck. I'm sorry to hear about your car. I enjoyed this post.

Kalie DeMann said...

I love boy tee's. they are for sure the best. you look real cute in these photos. can you teach me how to do my hair like this?

Conner said...

Dang. I've known Nik since I was 11 and had no idea that he was famous! He is however the backup singer on the main song on the EFY soundtrack this year. And he traded out one of my EFY roommate's mattress one week because it was dirty.
Famous Nik Day.

Jan Fisher Clark said...

I love this post. I love Idaho. I love you inside of Idaho! love. love. love.