
june: boating fest #2

for this second trip i brought along my nice camera to actually get semi decent pictures of everyone.

we got:


(he was a little stressed about it at first)

ry guy


nik got it!

we are so grateful for the dry suit that made this whole day possible!

possible and entertaining.

his face! hahah

just tryin out a new ..hold? whatever.
i'm not even going to pretend i know wakeboard lingo.

gosh we love the dry suit!

circle rainbow!

oh hey there she is! who even knew that utah lake had this baby island thing?
not this girl.

that is the end of boating trip 2.
maybe in boating trip 3 i will make an appearance in the water.
but sometimes i just got lasik and you gotta be careful you know?

1 comment:

Jan Sollis said...

Wow, so impressed!!! Had no idea that Ryan could do that. Wow, wow, and wow!!!!! And yes, I agree with Megan, better to be safe than sorry. Only have one set of eyes.