
midway cabin hike to the pipe then walk on it time

last weekend we had some great cabin time with my family.
i forgot to take pictures of most things but thanks to ryan's phone we documented this cute little hike.

instead of taking the road to the pipe we decided to make our way down to the stream, cross it, then climb up to the other side. it was a cute adventure.
(as a side note : so happy my annual zit/bump thing above my lip is back. couldn't do without that little guy this season! really. twice a year. every year. it is my faaaavorite)
here we have ryan looking nice as ever

after a few scratches and mosquito bites we eventually made it to the pipe! and look at that view! 
awwwwe. we love that pipe

and ryan loves stressing me out by always standing on scary drop-offs or rocks whenever we do things like this. if you can't find him he is in the corner.

i think one of the highlights of this day was when we realized the pipe was freezing cold rather than blasted hot like we expected. so we sat on it and even laid on it for a while! best pipe ever.

if you are ever in midway, go check out this pipe. it really is such a nice time!

this time we walked farther than we ever had before! i don't remember ever being able to see the golf course from the pipe so that was another really exciting moment.

then, of course, my bladder had to ruin everything (like usual) and so we began to head back.
on the way we definitely saw a skunk! there is a riveting 2 minute video of us trying to pass by it without it spraying us (seeing that his tail was up! it was maybe the most terrifying thing ever) but i decided to not post it and spare you.

we also saw this caterpillar! ryan said it was maybe poisonous because of, you know, the way it looked. i don't really know if that is true but i'm not the one that read animal and insect books my whole childhood so i just took his word for it.

we then stopped off at this little part that is really so great. there is always a cup there for you to drink fresh spring water and you just really can't care that everyone uses it because you are just so excited to drink fresh spring water.

we love neature.

..and in case you were wondering, i made it back to the cabin without peeing my pants.

i felt accomplished.


Kelly Jean said...

Oooh, I love those photos!

I also love how much you love that pipe.

And I really like that I-Spy picture, where Ryan's camouflaged in with the trees!

You saw a SKUNK!?! Freaky. But cool.

Love your outfit -- congrats for not peeing your pants! SUCCESS!

kelli said...

I second Kelly's motion. I love how much you love that pipe.

Hayley Jacob said...

real great!