
fhe/24th celebration?

i think i forgot to celebrate the 24th this year. let me think about what happened last weekend (keep in mind this was made before today so at the time it really was last weekend)..oh. we went boating on friday but that wasn't really for the 24th. and then we watched a few episodes of sytycd on saturday. then on sunday i gave a talk and the lesson in relief society! so i guess that can be how we celebrated but that is kind of a lame celebration. i'm sure it is appreciated when i type out all my thoughts that instead of keeping them to myself. anyway. 

monday the 25th we went up to my house in salt lake and had the monthly fhe with the fam - we can pretend it was to celebrate pioneer day though.
we were almost all there! except rick and his family were in lake powell. poor timing on that one guys.
thanks to ryan for taking the picture! 
(we left some room on the side of me in case i wanted to be really zealous and photoshop everyone in. sorry mama but i don't think i will be doing that any time soon)

and thank you self timer for this one!

so happy rob and steph could come up and bring cute lauren!

and tricia and dale could bring sam who i can't get enough of. 

and thanks to me for bringing ryan who is also cute and who i also can't get enough of. 
and the other little creation by rob and steph - little lyla!

i should have taken more pictures but i was hungry and after i ate it rained. or maybe i really should only post five pictures of an event instead of 40..


Jan Sollis said...

Love that you and ry tooks pictures of the fam. I love, love the pictures of Sam, Lauren and Lyla. YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT PHOTOGRAPHER!!!! Just ask your mom. hehe

Becky said...

You are such a great photographer! Just ask your sister. hehe