
sam had a birthday

so we went to a park to celebrate.

there was some red rover
and cake
(and a billion kids! half were my brother-in-law's family)
and the cutest little boys ever

and pretty sisters

and happiness with babies on laps
and random ice blocks
(an even cuter picture of korby can be found here)

and kaitlynns

and this little mexican? asian? i can't tell family of boys in the back of the playground pictures.

and emmy's very first pair of skinny jeans!
buying those for her was possibly the most proud moment of my adult aunt life.
(along with our thrifting moment the day before)
myself and cute benjamin.
(had to have at least one photo of myself to know i was there too..i think all of us photo happy people understand that dilemma do we not?)
speaking of happy people, scotty moysh everybody

then the real party began when ryan showed up and brought his lacross sticks!
he loves those sticks.

 it was a real fun evening! many other people were in attendance but when your family can't handle standing together for five seconds to get a group photo without crying about it at events then it just doesn't happen. i hope you all feel sad and full of regrets haha

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