
costa had karaoke whaaat?!

most wednesdays go like this:
 work from 8:45 - 5
(gchat with brynne)
hang out with ryan for an hour
find something to do while he has a meeting from 6 - 7:30
(remember, i don't live in provo anymore)
pick him up
go to costa vida
eat pork enchiladas with flour tortillas instead of corn
then do whatever we decide to do after that.

so. every wednesday this has been happening pretty regularly. then one time ryan got a haircut so our regular costa time was postponed about an hour.
i feel like this was fate because i guess they have karaoke every wednesday night but we never knew because we always barely missed it!

it was such a treat.
especially when for the first thirty minutes a guy, two girls, and the DJ took turns singing because no one else was there

then some high school/maybe college? kids came and they were great.
as you can see, that kid was really into singing the song below.
and as you can also see, ryan was loving it.

ryan and i even tried to sing this little ditty! which was a complete failure because it turns out ryan didn't know it at all and when i'm singing with sunny and cher i know that song so good but not when it becomes a solo. so i felt stressed and laughed nervously as we stood there and kind of sang but not really for 3 minutes which actually felt like 30. then i made ryan play it in the car and i sang along to assure myself that i really did know it. we've decided we need to redeem ourselves soon, if you want to join us please do! i'm thinking this celine favorite will be happening for suuuure. 

1 comment:

brynne frei said...

i love that story so much! change of plans! way to go costa vida. i want to eat there right now.