
i like hikes: brighton lakes

ryan and i decided to hike in big cottonwood canyon.
upon arrival i was already shrieking at how pretty the mountains were!

and then this guy showed up! and that made it even better
gorgeous no?
the moose decided to hike with us.
 this would be ryan helping other hikers spot him.

 he just loved staying right by us which was kind of scary if he decided to not be our friend anymore.. they can run up to 30 mph!

then we met his wife and baby!!! it was exciting for everyone.

i couldn't stop taking pictures.

lake mary everybody!

[insert more shrieking here]

then we hiked to lake martha (but isn't pictured because it was ugly) and then arrived at lake catherine!

and this random guy was playing a baby taylor on a rock which made it really nice
he serenaded us and took pictures of us. really great guy.

lion king anyone?
awwwe i liked that tree!

seriously guys. go on this hike. it wasn't very difficult, a good length, and real nice looking.
if you are anything like me that is just the right kind! and if you want it even shorter, just go to lake mary. she was the prettiest and best one anyway.


brynne frei said...

take me there! i want to go there! (name that song) but seriously. let's snow shoe that thing when we come for christmas!!!!

Kelly Jean said...

Oooh, pretty! Nick & I still need to go on a hike this year... maybe if we don't freeze our nums off, we'll check this li'l sucker out. A trade, if you will... Okt-Fest for the Mare-ster lake. Yes. This is why blogging is cool.

kelli said...

One of oh-so many reasons, Kell!!! ha ha ha.
Really love that serenading, and your smile, Meggs. And pride rock--PUURRRRFECT!!! (cat post...you see what I did there? also because lions are cats. i am too good.) My little brother is currently obsessed with hiking. Maybe we'll have to go do this one!

KaycieQ said...

we hiked that trail 2 times in september! we love it!

Ry said...

Somebody googled to see how fast moose can run...didn't they? :)