
oktober fest

so i spend a good amount of time trying to find fun things to do around provo and salt lake and somehow i always fail at it. i noticed oktober fest on a website and wanted to go but assumed it would be just like any other time and be a big failure so i dismissed the idea. theeeeen i saw this post on kelly's blog and decided that maybe it wouldn't be a failure after all!
so we headed over after our hike in big cottonwood canyon. it was fun to spend the morning there and then the afternoon at oktober fest in little cottonwood canyon. that night was spent downtown at the general relief society meeting but my camera was dead so that won't be blogged about.

oh hey tangent! anyway.
i don't really know what yo-yo has to do with germany but i like it
yes i bought that
yes we debated buying those

yes i loved them.

yes i reaaaally wanted to get some of these guys but there were so many choices i got stressed out and didn't buy any.
yes to that cute little man in the background!
yes to ryan's souvenir and my souvenir wanting a picture together!

and what would oktober fest be without taking our respective pictures behind this guy?
 so yes and thanks to kelly for restoring my faith in at least one festival this year!


Kelly Jean said...

YES to this post, and YES to you GOING!!! Ha. Proud-a ya ;)

kelli said...

Yessssss. Just to everything. but mostly your souvenirs wanting pictures together. And that Ryan's souvenir was a sandwich.

Becky said...

You are so going to regret not buying those hats!

Ry said...

kelli. My souvenir was not a sandwich, but a BRATWURST :) praise Germany for their sausage delights.

kelli said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Becky on the hats, and I loved that some of those guys stressed you out so you didn't buy any, you are funny Meg.